Here you can find some resources such as our parts and products catalogue, frequently asked questions, and our customer and sales agreement.
If you do not see a part you are looking for in the catalogue, please do not hesitate to contact the sales team in your local area. We are always willing and ready to work with you on creating a custom part or product.
Please note the information contained on this website is general in nature and does not take into account individual situations in which the products or parts are used. The Meher Group manufactures parts and products based on customer specific data and drawing specifications, and does not take any responsibility for or liability for any inaccuracies in information provided.
Yes, The Meher Group specialises in
manufacturing items specific to customer’s needs. To protect our customer’s intellectual property we do not display custom manufactured products on our website. Contact us today if you would like a custom made product.
Please get in touch with your local sales office. To begin the production process we would require either drawings and/or samples, together with estimated usage. From there we will work together based on your timelines to develop and manufacture your item.
Yes, we will supply PPAP (production process approved prototypes) for approval and sign off prior to mass production if requested.
There is no requirement to buy a container-load of item. We are more than happy to mix containers with multiple items if required. We can also arrange shipment to one of our local facilities or arrange partial shipment directly to you.
Of course, our terms and conditions are general in nature. For OEM customers, we are happy to review your terms and work in a way that suits you and your team.
© The Meher Group 2025